How I stopped giving a sh*t about AI and learned to embrace (kind of)
The other day I was using the IntelliJ IDE and it was autocompleting or making suggestions as to what I forgot (like a semi colon or forgetting to import a class).
Thats when it hit me… this is what AI is going to improve (when they finally figure their shit out). AI is NOT here to solve our problems … it’s more a ‘suggestion’ engine
We get suggestions all the time:
- IDE code completion
- Compiler errors
Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:$Servlet3SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper.getPrincipal() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: getUserPrincipal(), getUserPrincipal()
… but if someone were to INTELLIGENTLY apply those suggestions, we could improve in so many ways.
The problem with ALL FADS in computing is that when they first arrive people want to apply them to EVERYTHING :
- remember when Twitter was run on Ruby? Now its Java
- remember when everyone wanted everything to be done in Scala? Now it’s Kotlin
- remember when everyone wanted to be involved in Blockchain? Then reality hit.
New technology that can help change the industry is ALWAYS seen as a fad and applied hapharzardly across everything like Ranch dressing (until we decide the new hotness is Honey mustard).
AI does have a use and I can see that now but it is NOT going to be the way most CEO’s/CTO’s think it is.
It will take about 5 years for this all to shake out (like most tech fads) and by then Nvidia will own Microsoft.